Internet is most important for today, Our all work is done by online, without internet we are nothing in those days. Lot's of companies started to offer work online from home, This process most increased due to Covid-19 disease, We all get locked behind the doors. But some times a simple router can't provide us that type of speed which we require so I decided to change my router and I choose Wavlink Router, Which is very useful and provides an unstoppable speed without any issues, So today we are going to complete setup here are some steps given below.
- Must need to connect your router adapter into an electric outlet and Power it "ON"
- Now just Enable the wifi option in your device like (Mobile, PC, Laptop) and search for available network.
- After the scanning process complete, It will shows you all nearby network's Just click on your router network, SSID or Network name is available on the label of your router.
- Open any web browser (Chrome, Bing, Safari) in the same device and type the IP Address of your router or in URL box and search it.
- It will redirect you on the Admin Setup page where you can make changes and easily setup your router.